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Movie won't start. - Printable Version

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Movie won't start. - Dokidurf - 01-10-2019

I bought a plan today after the free period. Now suddenly the movie won't start. It coming to ''Preparing...(100%) Streaming...
Subtitles loaded'' and then it keeps on preparing/loading. The movie won't start. Have restarted the box, login is okay, internet speed okay.
What is the problem? Confused

Kind regards, Ron

RE: Movie won't start. - MFC_service - 01-15-2019

(01-10-2019, 09:15 PM)Dokidurf Hi,
I bought a plan today after the free period. Now suddenly the movie won't start. It coming to ''Preparing...(100%) Streaming...
Subtitles loaded'' and then it keeps on preparing/loading. The movie won't start. Have restarted the box, login is okay, internet speed okay.
What is the problem? Confused

Kind regards, Ron

Hi Dokidurf,

We are sorry for your inconvenience. You can report the error log to help us to locate this problem more quickly.
The reporting steps:
1. Choose a video and click it to enter the detail page;
2. Play it and if the error happened, exit to the detail page.
3. Press menu of your remote control on the detail page. The user feedback will be shown, choose a problem to submit.
And send your Mac address and the reporting date to us by private(
Hope it can help you. Waiting for your reply.

MFC Service

RE: Movie won't start. - rejane - 01-21-2019

ola !! acontece o mesmo problema, segui os passos que foram orientados a vc e no mse nao conseguiive resposta, nem mesmo o watssap atende !! nao sei mais como agir !!

RE: Movie won't start. - MFC_service - 01-24-2019

(01-21-2019, 02:37 PM)rejane ola !! acontece o mesmo problema, segui os passos que foram orientados a vc e no mse nao conseguiive resposta, nem mesmo o watssap atende !! nao sei mais como agir !!

Oi rejane,

Desculpe pelo seu inconveniente. Se vocأھ jأ، enviou um e-mail para nأ³s, por favor, deixe-me saber o seu endereأ§o de e-mail, vamos verificأ،-lo o mais rأ،pido possأ­vel. Se nأ£o tiver, por favor, envie detalhes do erro com uma imagem ou captura de tela e seu endereأ§o mac para nأ³s por meio de particular (, entraremos em contato.
Obrigado pela sua paciأھncia. Esperando sua resposta.

Serviأ§o MFC

Hi rejane,

Sorry for your inconvenience. If you already have sent email to us, please let me know your email address, we will check it ASAP. If haven’t, Please send error details with a picture or screenshot and your mac address to us by private(, we will contact you.
Thanks for your patience. Waiting for your reply.

MFC service