Subtitle language
Subtitle language
(04-30-2019, 10:10 PM)agentu008 Hi! Is there a way to add romanian subtitle to movies? Some way to add subtitle from opensubtitles?Hi,آ thanks for your support and suggestion.
(04-30-2019, 10:10 PM)agentu008 Hi! Is there a way to add romanian subtitle to movies? Some way to add subtitle from opensubtitles?Hi,آ thanks for your support and suggestion.
(05-11-2019, 06:51 PM)Karol Boa tarde como posso assistir filmes em Portuguأھs? Sأ³ tem em inglأھs. Desde jأ، agradeأ§o pela atenأ§أ£o
(05-11-2019, 06:51 PM)Karol Boa tarde como posso assistir filmes em Portuguأھs? Sأ³ tem em inglأھs. Desde jأ، agradeأ§o pela atenأ§أ£o