Unistalled APP
Unistalled APP
hey there.. First sorrry if i did some grammar error, English is not my first language.
I have a MXQ Proآ 4K Tv box with the My Family Cinema pre installed.
Yesterday, sunday, with a lot of time to spend I decided to clean up some old and not used apps to save some memory space.
Don't know how exactly but I guess I did something wrong and unistalll MFC from my device
Well, I thought, just need to find the app in Google Play and reinstalll it. But then I found out that the app is not available for users anymore just partners.
What do I do now? Need to take the device to the store that i bought it?
There some way to restore to default factory and then MFC app will get installed again?
Well, at least I learned a lesson.. Dont mess with something you don't know how to works.
Hi jdolci,
You are right, we didn't publish the download link for public users now. For your case, if your box pre-installed the MFC app, you can reset your box to get it back. If not, you can send your mac address of your device by email(mfc@vmfc.io) and describe the problem you're having, we will help you to solve the problem.
MFC service
(Vocأھ estأ، certo, nأ³s nأ£o publicamos o link de download para usuأ،rios pأ؛blicos agora. Para seu caso, se sua caixa prأ©-instalado o aplicativo MFC, vocأھ pode redefinir sua caixa para get-lo de volta. Se nأ£o, vocأھ pode emitir seu endereأ§o do Mac de seu dispositivo por email(MFC@vmfc.io) e descrever o problema que vocأھ estأ، tendo, nأ³s ajudأ،-lo-emos a resolver o problema.)
(04-16-2018, 08:18 PM)jdolci hey there.. First sorrry if i did some grammar error, English is not my first language.
I have a MXQ Proآ 4K Tv box with the My Family Cinema pre installed.
Yesterday, sunday, with a lot of time to spend I decided to clean up some old and not used apps to save some memory space.
Don't know how exactly but I guess I did something wrong and unistalll MFC from my device
Well, I thought, just need to find the app in Google Play and reinstalll it. But then I found out that the app is not available for users anymore just partners.
What do I do now? Need to take the device to the store that i bought it?
There some way to restore to default factory and then MFC app will get installed again?
Well, at least I learned a lesson.. Dont mess with something you don't know how to works.
(04-16-2018, 08:18 PM)jdolci hey there.. First sorrry if i did some grammar error, English is not my first language.
I have a MXQ Proآ 4K Tv box with the My Family Cinema pre installed.
Yesterday, sunday, with a lot of time to spend I decided to clean up some old and not used apps to save some memory space.
Don't know how exactly but I guess I did something wrong and unistalll MFC from my device
Well, I thought, just need to find the app in Google Play and reinstalll it. But then I found out that the app is not available for users anymore just partners.
What do I do now? Need to take the device to the store that i bought it?
There some way to restore to default factory and then MFC app will get installed again?
Well, at least I learned a lesson.. Dont mess with something you don't know how to works.